0 ©Pierre Blanc Pierre Blanc
détail sculpture

Parcours énigmatique à Cordes sur Ciel (spécial groupe)

In the footsteps of the unburied knight... This skilful and entertaining orienteering trail takes an original approach to the fundamental points of Cordes' history. It stimulates the mind by appealing to common sense and observation.

Each team moves around the medieval city, tackling questions and puzzles as they immerse themselves in history.
There's no need to be a scholar - the solutions are at your fingertips, written in stone.

The tools at your disposal: a booklet, a pencil, team-mates and a guide from the Tourist Office to accompany you on this unusual tour.

  • French


All year round.


Set price group adults: 190 €
Set price group children: 190 €.

Group rate available for > 20 people.

Parcours énigmatique à Cordes sur Ciel (spécial groupe)
38-42 Grand Rue Raimond VII 81170 Cordes sur Ciel
05 63 56 49 11

Carte clair
Carte foncée
Carte zone 1
Carte zone 2
Carte zone 3
Carte zone 4
Carte zone 5