0 ©Penne mirabilia Penne mirabilia
Mirabilia Museum

Mirabilia Museum

Museum (of local history) and Art Gallery, collection of Pierre Malrieu. "May astonishing things continue to astonish us...". The MIRABILIA MUSEUM collection can be viewed by prior arrangement, with a guided tour by Pierre Malrieu.

MIRABILIA MUSEUM is a cultural association, a place where Pierre Malrieu presents his private collection (Art, Archaeology, Local History...) illustrated by conferences, presentations of rare texts, exhibitions...
It's also a place for experimentation, highlighting an artist, a profession, a passion, a journey, an original creation, a warm welcome for local initiatives...

From September to June, we programme a series of events focusing on poetic expression, lectures on archaeology, discoveries by local artists and proposals from members.

There are two prices for attending an event: a member price and a public price, subject to availability (maximum capacity 30 people).

  • French
Mirabilia Museum
Impasse Maffre Arvengas 81140 Penne
07 86 61 24 44

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