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Les Aventuriers du Graaal

Take an unforgettable journey of discovery through Cordes sur Ciel with Les Aventuriers du Graaal, an original mix of escape-game and treasure hunt in the streets of the old town.

You're about to embark on a unique immersive experience in the legendary village of Cordes sur Ciel.
Your quest is to find the Grail, exploring the village's picturesque streets and iconic landmarks.
Along the way, you'll have to solve riddles, decipher secret codes and take on challenges to progress through the twists and turns of this epic adventure. Get ready for a total immersion experience halfway between an escape game and a treasure hunt, with a captivating story in which you are the heroes!

Ready to take on the adventure?

  • French

Further information


Parking nearby


From 01/01 to 31/12/2023.


2 personnes minimum : 25€/personne - 20€/personne à partir de 3 personnes.
Gratuit :-7 ans et + 77 ans.

Les Aventuriers du Graaal
Les Aventuriers du Graaal 7, Grand rue de l'Horloge
81170 Cordes sur Ciel
06 74 66 19 66

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