- Private parking
- Restaurant
- Coach parking
- Covered terrace
- Free car park
- Car park
- Spa
- Garden room
- Board games
- Sauna
- Shady grounds
- Terrace
- Launderette
- Sports hall
- Open air swimming pool
- Play area
- Boules area
- Barbecue
- Swimming pool
- Heated swimming pool
- Children's swimming pool
- Stadium / Sports ground
- Paddling pool
- Toilets
- Jacuzzi®
- Entertainments room
- Groceries/grocery stall
- Full-board
- Breakfast
- Booking
- Bedlinen hire
- Cleaning with supplement
- Bread store
- Wi-fi
- Club for children
- Client safes
- Half-board
- Ice store
- Tourist brochures
- Bungalow rental
- Linen hire
- Massages
- Postal service
- Restaurant
- Takeaway/cooked dishes
- Animals accepted in the accommodations
- Hot showers
- Fridge
- Heated WC
- Heating
- 140 cm bed
- Free private internet access
- Communal washing machine
- Communal drier
- Microwave
- Sofa bed
- Baby bed
- Bed 90 cm
- Ironing facilities
- Television
- kitchen corner
- Hand wash basins with hot water
- Separate toilet
- Wi-fi
- Baby equipment
- Activity
- Children's entertainment
- Fishing
- Boules
- Table tennis
- Hike on foot
- Entertainment evenings
- Communal tennis court
- Cycle touring
- Relaxation
- Cycle sports
- Water sports
- Ball sports
- Various sports
- Pedestrian sports